
International Collaborations at SJIM

click the name of a partner university to know more

SJIM signed an MOU with Albers in 2017 to promote cultural, educational and scientific cooperation through direct contact and collaboration among students, faculty and staff. This was the first major international collaboration at SJIM. Since then, Albers has been a close university partner of SJIM and their faculty, staff and students collaborate with SJIM to different extents over the years. The MoU has been renewed.

1. Working in Virtual Teams
SJIM and the Albers School jointly conducted an annual international business plan competition in which students from both schools work collaboratively in virtual teams to develop a sustainable business plan within the context of that year’s topic. Over time, other sister institutions in the St. Joseph’s group and other schools in Seattle University have also participated in this annual competition resulting in more comprehensive business plans. Usually, a three-member European panel of judges (who members are venture capitalists, serial entrepreneurs, or UN and other international organizations’ officials) shortlist the finalists. The finalists are then judged through a live presentation made to an eminent multi-member panel of Indian/American judges.
a. 2017 SJIM-Albers International Business Plan Competition
b. 2018 SJIM-Albers International Business Plan Competition
c. 2019 SJIM-Albers International Business Plan Competition
d. 2020 SJIM-Albers International Business Plan Competition
5th SJIM-Albers International Business Plan Competition
6th SJIM-Albers International Business Plan Competition
7th SJIM-Albers International Business Plan Competition

2. Immersion program (to Seattle)
Students from SJIM participate in an annual Immersion Program to Albers in September. Our students are exposed to the culture and workplace environment in the United States and are thus made aware of the global scenario of businesses. The students live in either the American university dormitory or at local hotels; they interact with Albers’ students and faculty, participate in joint academic activities, and so on. They also visit the global headquarters of different multinational organizations like Microsoft, Boeing, Starbucks, JP Morgan Chase and more, and interact with managers, or sometimes even global vice presidents at these firms.
a. 2018 USA Immersion Program
b. 2019 USA Immersion Program

Immersion program (from Seattle)
Students from Albers visited SJIM and our stakeholders in 2023. The Albers students interacted with faculty and students at SJIM. They also visited some of our industry partners to gain some insight into corporate and rural India.
2023 Inward Immersion Program

3. Affiliate Faculty
Dr. Caren Rodrigues is approved as an affiliate faculty member of the Albers School to help further the collaborations between the faculty of the two schools.

4. Collaborative Research
Dr. Anup Krishnamurthy and Dr. Caren Rodrigues are actively collaborating with faculty from the Albers School on different research topics of mutual interest. Some of this work has been presented at conferences like the annual IAJBS Conference.

5. Joint Virtual Class Collaboration
In a new initiative, under the COIL program, Dr. Caren Rodrigues and Geneva Sedgwick (Director of University Summer Programs) collaborated to bring modules/projects/assignments related to negotiations onto a single virtual platform accessible to students of both schools. The faculty from both schools prepared the content together and delivered the same content to their students. Where possible, students got the opportunity to interact with their counterparts in the other school, which gave the students a highly interactive cross-cultural experience.

6. Virtual Guest Lecture Series
As a way to deepen the relationship between our two schools, a virtual lecture series has been started where professors from either school can deliver virtual guest lectures to the students of the other school. This allows both schools to cover lacunae in expertise in a specific topic and to provide students with an international flavor to their studies.

7. Reciprocal Visits of Faculty and Staff
Management, faculty and staff from SJIM and Albers regularly meet in person at one of the schools. These in-person visits help to strengthen the relationship between the schools and allow for more complex discussions that can help to improve/benefit both schools.
Albers faculty and staff visit to SJIM in 2019
Albers faculty and staff and students visit to SJIM in 2023
SJIM management visit Albers in 2024

This MoU was signed in 2019 and automatically renews every five years. The purpose of this MoU is to promote academic exchange and cooperation through the exchange of academic material, the exchange of faculty, students and researchers for the purpose of teaching, study and academic research, and through the organization of academic conferences on issues of mutual concern.

1. Working in Virtual Teams
Fu Jen students participate in the SJIM-Albers Annual International Business Plan competition, in which students from both schools work collaboratively in virtual teams to develop a sustainable business plan within the context of that year’s topic. Usually, a three-member European panel of judges (who members are venture capitalists, serial entrepreneurs, or UN and other international organizations’ officials) shortlist the finalists. The finalists are then judged through a live presentation made to an eminent multi-member panel of Indian/American judges.
1. 2019 SJIM-Albers International Business Plan Competition
2. 2020 SJIM-Albers International Business Plan Competition
5th SJIM-Albers International Business Plan Competition
6th SJIM-Albers International Business Plan Competition
7th SJIM-Albers International Business Plan Competition

2. Reciprocal Visits of Faculty and Staff
Management, faculty and staff from SJIM and Fu Jen have planned to meet regularly in person at one of the schools. These in-person visits help to strengthen the relationship between the schools and allow for more complex discussions that can help to improve/benefit both schools.
Fu Jen management visit SJIM in 2020

This MoU was signed in 2023. The purpose of this MoU is to promote academic cooperation and educational exchanges through various means that can include but are not limited to exchange of academic material, the exchange of faculty, students and researchers for the purpose of teaching, study and academic research, and through the organization of academic conferences on issues of mutual concern.

1. Working in Virtual Teams
Ateneo de Manila students participate in the SJIM-Albers Annual International Business Plan competition, in which students from both schools work collaboratively in virtual teams to develop a sustainable business plan within the context of that year’s topic. Usually, a three-member European panel of judges (who members are venture capitalists, serial entrepreneurs, or UN and other international organizations’ officials) shortlist the finalists. The finalists are then judged through a live presentation made to an eminent multi-member panel of Indian/American judges.
7th SJIM-Albers International Business Plan Competition

The MoU with ITESO was signed in 2023. The purpose of this MoU is to promote academic exchange and cooperation through the exchange of academic material, the exchange of faculty, students and researchers for the purpose of teaching, study and academic research, and through the organization of academic conferences on issues of mutual concern.

1. Working in Virtual Teams
ITESO students participate in the SJIM-Albers Annual International Business Plan competition, in which students from both schools work collaboratively in virtual teams to develop a sustainable business plan within the context of that year’s topic. Usually, a three-member European panel of judges (who members are venture capitalists, serial entrepreneurs, or UN and other international organizations’ officials) shortlist the finalists. The finalists are then judged through a live presentation made to an eminent multi-member panel of Indian/American judges.
6th SJIM-Albers International Business Plan Competition
7th SJIM-Albers International Business Plan Competition

2. Faculty Exchange
ITESO invites SJIM faculty to teach in their summer program during the month of May.

The MoU with Advantere was signed in 2023. The purpose of this MoU is to promote academic exchange and cooperation through the exchange of academic material, the exchange of faculty, students and researchers for the purpose of teaching, study and academic research, and through the organization of academic conferences on issues of mutual concern.

This MoU was signed in 2024. The purpose of this MoU is to promote academic exchange and cooperation through the exchange of academic material, the exchange of faculty, students and researchers for the purpose of teaching, study and academic research, and through the organization of academic conferences on issues of mutual concern.

Working in Virtual Teams
Regis students will be participating in the upcoming SJIM-Albers Annual International Business Plan competition, in which students from both schools work collaboratively in virtual teams to develop a sustainable business plan within the context of that year’s topic. Usually, a three-member European panel of judges (who members are venture capitalists, serial entrepreneurs, or UN and other international organizations’ officials) shortlist the finalists. The finalists are then judged through a live presentation made to an eminent multi-member panel of Indian/American judges.

This MoU is likely to be signed in 2024. The purpose of this MoU is to promote academic exchange and cooperation through the exchange of academic material, the exchange of faculty, students and researchers for the purpose of teaching, study and academic research, and through the organization of academic conferences on issues of mutual concern.

Working in Virtual Teams
Santa Clara students will be participating in the upcoming SJIM-Albers Annual International Business Plan competition, in which students from both schools work collaboratively in virtual teams to develop a sustainable business plan within the context of that year’s topic. Usually, a three-member European panel of judges (who members are venture capitalists, serial entrepreneurs, or UN and other international organizations’ officials) shortlist the finalists. The finalists are then judged through a live presentation made to an eminent multi-member panel of Indian/American judges.

Past Collaborations

An MoU was signed with Putra in 2018 towards educational and scientific cooperation through direct contact and collaboration among students, faculty and staff.

Immersion program to Kula Lumpur, Malaysia
• The 2019 SJIM Malaysian Immersion Program to Kula Lumpur took place in August 2019. Seventeen of our students and Dr. Venkateshraj participated in the program, which saw them take part in workshops at the Malaysian university and visit various locations in Malaysia. Click here.
for more details.
• The 2020 SJIM Malaysian Immersion Program was cancelled due to coronavirus pandemic.

Student Internships
Under our partnership, up to 4 students from SJIM visit UCO for a two-month long Internship Program with the university. In 2017-18, two students from SJIM, Astran and Vivian, stayed at UCO and took up research topics under the joint guidance of SJIM and UCO Professors.