Dr Caren cracks Peter Drucker Challenge-2018

Dr. Caren Rodrigues was ranked 6th in the world in the 2018 Peter Drucker Challenge, for her position essay on "Teaching Organizational Behavior to Indian B-School Students in an AI World". The Challenge rewards compelling narrative that evaluates whether or not Peter Drucker's human-centered approach can be applied to a society in the age of Artificial Intelligence.

Every year, the Peter Drucker Forum is convened in Vienna by the Peter Drucker Society Europe and Drucker Institute USA. The forum attracts current leaders of management thought such as Mintzberg, Kotler, Hamel, Christensen, and Kanter. Simultaneously, the Forum recognizes twenty young people through the Peter Drucker Challenge for their innovative contribution to management thought on a contemporary topic of concern.

Dr. Caren's essay was the result of her reflections and research about how current organizational behavior syllabi and professors must now reverse-adapt, to help business graduates in emerging markets meet the challenges of a new machine-enhanced world. Dr. Caren says that the interactions she has had with students at SJIM have helped her shape her thoughts towards this topic.