Educational Loan

Educational Loan SBI

State Bank of India (SBI) has approved the inclusion of SJIM, Bangalore under SBI Scholar Loan Scheme. SJIM is one of the select Premier Institutions in the country to be included in the list B of the scholar loan scheme (on par with NITs). Under this scheme any admitted studentfor PGDM can avail loan up to 30 lakhs without any collaterals.

Salient features of SBI Scholar Loan Scheme to SJIM :
• 100% financing for SJIM (For fees and other expenses up to 30 Lakhs)
• Low Interest Rates
• Repayment period up to 15 years after course period + 12 months of repayment holiday
• Quick Sanction
• Income Tax Rebate
• No Processing Fee

Nodal Branch:
Name : Victoria Mishra ( Branch manager )
Email Id :
Phone: 080 - 2223 5923

(Loan can be availed from any SBI branch in India. Preferred from nodal branch in Bangalore)

For more details, check the following documents.
1. SBI circular on loan approval
2. Educational loan checklist
3. Scholar loan-terms and conditions